Monday, October 24, 2011

The Game

I am enjoying choosing the Light, choosing Positive Energy, choosing Purpose.

"Employee"!  I've always had an adverse reaction to being defined as "an employee'.  Mostly I cant stand that the word even accompanies my name, like a tag stitched into my Life Jacket.  I have enjoyed freelancing for so many years and liked the freedom that is self imposed whenever I chose a job understanding that there would be a beginning, a middle and an end.  Still an employee but without the demands  of having to engage in office politics or laughing at the boss's corny jokes.  I felt that my work spoke for me and I was being hired because of my reputation of being a hard worker, able to stay unnerved during chaos and confident in my ability to deliver.

So funny that now I coach creatives who freelance that laughing at the boss's corny joke, hanging out with the crew after the shoot and occasional  banter with the crew is necessary probably even more necessary than being a hard worker who can deliver.  Yes, you have to be able to "bring it", no matter what but in these times where many are jobless accepting short term employment and "freelancing", we are all in a competitive market , all squirrels trying to get that nut. No one is really "free" in the "freelance" game anymore.

So I stand in the place of being grateful to be an Employee, while I build this business, motivateArt. Still crawling but working hard to stand to running, I appreciate and am motivated by my need to create and develop and grow but I am also grateful for the support my job brings, (aka that cheese that pays the bills)lol.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

FEAR- debilitates or MOTIVATES?

Do you allow your fear to stop you or move you?  Does your fear make you worry about what you might lose or does it make you scared about what you may never gain?  Does it take something or someone pushing you out of the "nest" to make you have to move forward or does your fear that that something or someone will push you out before you are ready motivate you to move faster than the pusher?

I am most afraid of losing, being stuck, having regret.  I am most afraid of living under someone else's design. I am most afraid of not living out the Purpose I believe has been divined for me.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What motivates the Artist?

What motivates you?  What makes you get up everyday to pursue your "calling"?  I consider myself creative, a creative person.  I understand indulging the "the calling".  The calling to create, the craving to express art through many forms.

I have designed clothing, written published articles on everything from natural and herbal beautifiers to interviewing singers, started a promotion company representing a musician I never met but wrote an amazing bio and press release on and had the editor of Billboard Magazine write an article on him.  I have started a t-shirt line but never sold one t-shirt, I have worked in television and radio production, worked for a renown world music club as a publicist, am an amateur photographer, whose amateur pics have ended up in 2 hip hop magazines....there's more but this is about you :) .

I'm just trying to say I understand the unsettled feeling, when you know you have more to do, more to be but you're not quite sure if what you're doing is IT.  So you just keep expressing your art.

What motivates you?  The feeling.  The craving.  The desire. The calling.  You motivate You.  Creative people cant  help it.   You are driven to indulge and express.  The key is remembering that every medium you've chosen to express your creative self has led you to the next.  That even though you may be waiting for that BIG BOOM letting you know you've hid the jackpot, your life's calling; that every pursuit contributes to the next.  You bring every experience to the table all the time.  Your last creative experience influences and impacts the next.  Radio engineering prepared me for television production, writing articles for neighborhood urban magazines, prepared me to write press releases for musicians.

I didn't realize that I was on one track, learning all along the way.  I just jumped from one thing to the other indulging the creative in me.  Now I know that every indulgence has prepared me for this moment.

I still have other creative pursuits.  But now I look at how the next pursuit will enhance my current pursuit.

So get up and go create, be motivated by that crazy feeling in the pit of your stomach!