Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Faithfull, Mick Jagger's Muse written and performed by Fiona Graham

Last show of the season! Faithfull, Mick Jagger's Muse @SBStudioLLC this Friday. Tickets are going fast. Don't miss the “hypnotic, transcendental, intelligent, courageous, bright and soulful perfomance by Fiona Graham. There is no mistaking the talent of Fiona Graham. There is no ifs, ands or buts about it. You will leave the theater full and wondering what's next for Fiona and when is her next performance. Susan Batson Studio. 300 West 43rd Street Suite 300 New York, New York 10036. T: 212-226-4630 F: 212-226-4456 New York · susanbatsonstudionyc.com www.mickjaggersmuse.com

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thinking of giving up?

Thinking of giving up? 

(can't see the forest for the trees)

Whew, this day, this week, this month has been so friggin hard! I'm facing some of the toughest challenges I've ever faced in my life.
My "gift" as a coach and manager is helping people, using my intuitive ability to empathize while reassuring and reaffirming. So imagine how I feel when I'm affirming and encouraging others while feeling quite unsure about my own situation?
It's those moments when someone who trusts me enough to share their angst and insecurities shows up and I'm compelled to help that I pay attention to my own advice to not give up.
If you've taken a leap of faith to start your own business and you're in the midst of the work of it-the networking and social media-ing and business planning it and taking on and maintaining new clients, then you know...the WORK of growing a business. I'm sure there are many days when you're just not sure you made the right decision.
I mean, lets be frank- this shit is HARD! lol. I can laugh because when I thought of starting my own business I knew it would take work but I wasn't thinking of the other areas of my life which would be affected so dramatically by my decision.
The endless hours that compromise my personal relationships, the lack of job security because I'm my own boss, so no I don't have a 401k or health insurance to invest in, the clothing and dining expenses racking up because I have to look the part and schmooze to network, the having to reach down deep to believe in myself as I believe in my clients...
When you are feeling doubt and the work in front of you seems so daunting, in other words, when you can't see the forest for the trees, STOP.

How about some SELF AFFIRMATION?! Look at what you have accomplished.
1. You took the LEAP!
2. Even when others who should support you, doubt you, you KEEP GOING!
3.Ok, so you're a tiny bit $$ broke...for now..but somehow the lights are on and the bills are getting paid! Something, or SomeONE is working in your favor. BELIEVE!
4. You're not 22 anymore, so no health insurance scares the heck out of you but today you're ALIVE and KICKING! BE THANKFUL.
5.You will never ever have to say you DIDNT FOLLOW YOUR DREAM!
6.Even though the list of "have to do's" never dwindle, be PROUD that you keep taking things OFF the list.
7. You've GROWN and MATURED because you haven't had the luxury and security to keep you ignorant. And that is a GREAT thing!
8. You are becoming your own HERO every day you motivate yourSelf.
9.You and only you is defining and redefining who YOU ARE.
10. And last but not least -
Have a great week and oh yeah,
go make some aRt:)
Jennifer Heslop
917 771 5063
Clients: UrbanErotika
Dirty Artist Management

Client updates-

March 21st - April 13th-motivateArt client Mo Beasley's UrbanErotika Art Gallery Exhibit celebrating Women's History Month at ImageNation Raw Space.
Find out more about this event!
motivateArt Client- DiRTY Artist Management- Stylist Faustina Rose.
[The Work of DiRTY Artist Faustina Rose]
Dirty Artist Faustina Rose

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2013. Change! An Action not just a Concept. motivateArt

2013. Change! An Action not just a Concept. motivateArt

As a creative consultant, I often also am a life and career coach for my clients.  My goal is always to help steer, guide and help manifest the dreams of the people I work with.  My daily interactions and how I interact reveals my own inner issues and demons.  

What do we have to do to achieve our goals?  
Dream.  Plan. Manifest.  Somewhere between the planning and manifesting I believe the heavy work of   CHANGING begins.  Its easy to dream, easy to desire. It's hard to settle down and make the fantasy a reality. That's where change begins.  

Following your dream- I'm sure you've seen your favorite celebrity say "follow your dreams".  As if the dream will lead you towards it, beckoning you like a sultry lover. Uhhh No!  Your dream remains intangible unless you change it.  The decision to realize the dream is a conscious one and it's a commitment to work.  Yeah. WORK.

Planning- Planning can be so damn hard!!  Creative people sometimes have the hardest time planning, buckling down.  They have great ideas and just want the freedom and space to create but setting goals and planning how to achieve them can be hard.  Well how do you build your brand, build your business, hell how do you get through a busy day without planning??  If you're just winging it and dealing with things as they come then I'm pretty sure there are many projects undone and many goals unrealized. 

I've heard it said and I admit to saying it sometimes too- "That's just not my thing", "that's not my strong suit", "that's just not how I do things", or "I can't". Being resistant to change is self defeating.  If someone you trusted more than anything, who is successful, a go getter, a winner said- You have to plan to achieve your goals, wouldn't you CHANGE your I can'ts and I don'ts to I wills?

You will not manifest your dreams if you don't have a strategy.  In the planning stage I see it in my clients and myself- some of our inner poop rises to the service- our resistance to doing things differently, the fear of success, how lazy we really are, the fear of redefining ourselves.  And once you start dealing with that poop, all the deeper poop shows up too!! 

We often give up during the planning stage.  It's uncomfortable, it's taxing and exhausting.  The choices   are to face it and CHANGE or not because without CHANGE you will not achieve your goals.

Manifestation-Bringing into realization.
After planning, there has to be action behind it.  You have to DO the plan, WORK the plan.  For me, action is a physical force and an energy force. CHANGE creates a different energy, an alternate energy to what has been consistent.  All energy manifests. All action manifests.  Negative energy like negative action creates negative energy and negative reaction. Thus positive CHANGE towards manifestation can only create positive energy and positive reaction.

Start planning. Keep dreaming but start planning.  There's going to be a few speed bumps in your way. These speed bumps are probably you getting in your own way.  Get the poop bucket out and sit down, CHANGE is coming:)
